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Egd 2015 Pat Guide

пятница 03 апреля admin 46
Memorandum: Marking Claims: Admin Hours for NSC 2015 Marking
Memorandum: Administration of Annual National Assessment in 2015
48/2015 2015 Promotion Requirements: Grades 10 - 11 +
DBE Circular 35E/2015: Criteria for the Implementation of Progression in Grades 10 - 12 + Guideline for the Implementation of Promotion and Progression Requirements for Grades 10 - 12
47/2015Compulsory Utilisation of SASAMS Schedules: Grades 1 - 11
46/2015 General Education and Training (GET) Band 2015 Progression/Promotion Requirements: Grades 1 - 9
DBE National Assessment Circular 3 of 2015: Mark Adjustment for the Senior Phase (Grades 7 - 9)
45/2015Grades 3, 6 and 9 Common Tests
44/2015 Implementation of the Amended Senior Certificate, a Qualification for Adults and out of school learners
43/2015 GETC: ABET Level 4 Examination Timetable - November 2015
42/2015 Procedures and Guidelines for the Conduct of the Final Practical Examination in Computer Applications Technology (CAT) and Information Technology (IT) - National Senior Certificate (NSC) November 2015 Examinations
41/2015 Amendment to the Grade 10 and 11 National Senior Certificate (NSC) November Timetable (2015)
40/2015 2016 Registration of Examination Centres: Public & Independent Schools and AET Level 4 Centres
39/2015 Standardisation of Software Tools to Implement and Assess Computer Applications Technology (CAT) and Information Technology (IT)
38/2015Additional Information on the Assessment of the Folklore Genre for Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) November 2015 Examinations
Memorandum: Amendments relating to the Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) November Time Table 2015
37/2015 Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts: 2015 June/July Senior Certificate (SC) and Adult Education and Training (AET) L4 Examinations
36/2015 2015 Assessment Guidelines for Grade 1 - 9 Annual National Assessment (ANA) (Memo) + Guidelines
35/2015Guidelines on the Administration of Common Assessment Task (CAT) for Life Orientation: Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) 2015
34/2015 Procedures and guidelines for the conduct of the final practical examination in Design and Visual Arts - National Senior Certificate: November 2015 Grade 12 Examinations
Design, Paper 2
Visual Arts, Paper 2
33/2015 2015 - 2017 AET Level 4: Application for appointment as a Marking Moderator or Chief Marker
32/20152015 Annual National Assessment (ANA) Timetable
31/2015 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Provincial Centralised School-based Assessment (SBA) Moderation: 10 - 14 August 2015
30/2015Annual National Assessment (ANA) Grades 3, 6 and 9: The selection and appointment of markers for centralised moderation
29/2015 2015 Final Timetables:
Grade 10 November Examination (DBE)
Grade 11 November Examination
Grade 12 Trail Examination
28/2015 Provincial Centralised NSC Grade 12 School Based Assessment (SBA): Request for Provincial SBA Chief Moderators and Moderators
27/20152015 Examination Guidelines for Business Studies and Dance Studies (memo)
Business Studies
Dance Studies
26/2015 2015 GETC: ABET Level 4 June Examination Timetable
25/2015 Amended National Senior Certificate (NSC) October/November Examination Timetable (2015) (Memo) +
24/2015 Applications for Examiners and Internal Moderators:
2016 - 2018 National Senior Certificate: Grade 12 Trial Examinations
2016 - 2018 National Senior Certificate: Grade 11 Examinations
23/2015 Examination Guidelines for the 2015 Senior Certificate Examination (Memo) +
Agricultural Sciences
Business Studies
Computer Applications Technology (CAT)
Information Technology (IT)
Life Sciences
Mathematical Literacy
Physical Sciences
Religion Studies
22/20152015 Draft Timetables: Grade 11 November Examination and Grade 12 Trial Examination
21/2015 Grade 12 Senior Certificate (SC) Examination Timetable (2015) and National Senior Certificate (NSC) October/November Examination Timetable (2015)
20/2015 Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts: 2014 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Supplementary Examinations
Memo Request for ANA statistics: LSEN learners
Memo Verification Procedures for obtaining Print Statistics for Annual National Assessment (ANA) 2015
19/2015 Senior Certificate (SC): Application for Appointment as a Chief Marker or Marking Moderator: 2016 to 2016
18/2015 Curriculum Delivery Priorities for 2015
17/2015 Annual National Assessment (ANA) 2015 Improvement Plan
Annexure A
Annexure B
Annexure C
16/2015Implementation of School Based Assessment (SBA) Grades 10 - 12 and Management Plan: 2015
15/2015 2015 Registration of NSC Grade 12 learners
14/20152015 May June Amended Senior Certificate Examination: Application for Appointment as a Marker
13/2015 Requirements for the keeping of a Journal as part of the Practical Examination Component for Drama Studies (Grades 10 - 12)
12/2015 National Senior Certificate Examination Examination: Prescribed Folk Narratives and Folk Poetry Titles for study in Grade 12 for all African Home Languages in Public Schools from 2015 onwards
11/2015 Advertisements of posts of temporary positions as Examination Assistants (EAs) for the..
2015 November/December National Senior Certificate (NSC) and AET L4
2016 Supplementary Examinations
2016 May/June Senior Certificate and AET L4 examinations at Marking Centres
Capturing Centres and the Provincial Depot
Annual National Assessment Marking Centres
School Based Assessment Moderation Centres
10/2015 2015 November/December AET L4: Application for appointment as a marker
9/2015 2015 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Application for appointment as a marker
8/20152015 AET L4: Examinations and Assessment Guidelines - Completion Dates for SBA Programmes
Ancillary Health Care
Applied Agriculture and Agricultural Technology
Arts and Culture
Early Childhood Development
Economic and Management Sciences
Human and Social Sciences
Information Communication Technology
Life Orientation
Mathematical Literacy
Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Natural Sciences
Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises
Travel and Tourism
Wholesale and Retail
7/2015 Assessment and Examinations: Concession Applications 2015
6/2015 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Procedure for the Change of Subjects - Grades 10 - 12 in 2015
5/20152015 Grade 12 National Senior Certificate Practical/Performance Assessment Tasks (PATS)
Agricultural Management Practices
Agricultural Technology
Consumer Studies
Dance Studies
Dramatic Arts
Electrical Technology
Engineering Graphics and Design
Hospitality Studies
Mechanical Technology
Visual Arts
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4/20152014 National Senior Certificate: Chief Markers' Reports + History Paper 2
3/2015 2015 National Senior Certificate Examinations (NSC): Supplementary Examination Entries and Supplementary Examination Final Time Table
2/2015 Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts: 2014 National Senior Certificate (NSC) and AET L4 Examinations
1/2015 Provincial Assessment Instructions
Egd 2015 pat guidelines

Graphics and Design: Grade 12: 2015: Afrikaans: Exam Paper: EGD P1 Nov 2015 Eng: Engineering Graphics and Design: Grade 12: 2015: English: Exam Paper: EGD P2 Feb/March 2015: Engineering. Learners doing EGD in South African Schools. PAT - ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND. Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. Dec 16, 2015  engineering graphics and design: pat gr 12 2015 page 2 1. INTRODUCTION: A. The Structure of the Practical Assessment Task (PAT) for EGD The Engineering Graphics.

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