Memorandum: Marking Claims: Admin Hours for NSC 2015 Marking | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Memorandum: Administration of Annual National Assessment in 2015 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
48/2015 | 2015 Promotion Requirements: Grades 10 - 11 +
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47/2015 | Compulsory Utilisation of SASAMS Schedules: Grades 1 - 11 | |||||||||||||||||||||
46/2015 | General Education and Training (GET) Band 2015 Progression/Promotion Requirements: Grades 1 - 9
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45/2015 | Grades 3, 6 and 9 Common Tests | |||||||||||||||||||||
44/2015 | Implementation of the Amended Senior Certificate, a Qualification for Adults and out of school learners | |||||||||||||||||||||
43/2015 | GETC: ABET Level 4 Examination Timetable - November 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
42/2015 | Procedures and Guidelines for the Conduct of the Final Practical Examination in Computer Applications Technology (CAT) and Information Technology (IT) - National Senior Certificate (NSC) November 2015 Examinations | |||||||||||||||||||||
41/2015 | Amendment to the Grade 10 and 11 National Senior Certificate (NSC) November Timetable (2015) | |||||||||||||||||||||
40/2015 | 2016 Registration of Examination Centres: Public & Independent Schools and AET Level 4 Centres | |||||||||||||||||||||
39/2015 | Standardisation of Software Tools to Implement and Assess Computer Applications Technology (CAT) and Information Technology (IT) | |||||||||||||||||||||
38/2015 | Additional Information on the Assessment of the Folklore Genre for Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) November 2015 Examinations | |||||||||||||||||||||
Memorandum: Amendments relating to the Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) November Time Table 2015 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
37/2015 | Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts: 2015 June/July Senior Certificate (SC) and Adult Education and Training (AET) L4 Examinations | |||||||||||||||||||||
36/2015 | 2015 Assessment Guidelines for Grade 1 - 9 Annual National Assessment (ANA) (Memo) + Guidelines | |||||||||||||||||||||
35/2015 | Guidelines on the Administration of Common Assessment Task (CAT) for Life Orientation: Grade 12 National Senior Certificate (NSC) 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
34/2015 | Procedures and guidelines for the conduct of the final practical examination in Design and Visual Arts - National Senior Certificate: November 2015 Grade 12 Examinations
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33/2015 | 2015 - 2017 AET Level 4: Application for appointment as a Marking Moderator or Chief Marker | |||||||||||||||||||||
32/2015 | 2015 Annual National Assessment (ANA) Timetable | |||||||||||||||||||||
31/2015 | National Senior Certificate (NSC): Provincial Centralised School-based Assessment (SBA) Moderation: 10 - 14 August 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
30/2015 | Annual National Assessment (ANA) Grades 3, 6 and 9: The selection and appointment of markers for centralised moderation | |||||||||||||||||||||
29/2015 | 2015 Final Timetables:
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28/2015 | Provincial Centralised NSC Grade 12 School Based Assessment (SBA): Request for Provincial SBA Chief Moderators and Moderators | |||||||||||||||||||||
27/2015 | 2015 Examination Guidelines for Business Studies and Dance Studies (memo)
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26/2015 | 2015 GETC: ABET Level 4 June Examination Timetable | |||||||||||||||||||||
25/2015 | Amended National Senior Certificate (NSC) October/November Examination Timetable (2015) (Memo) + Timetable | |||||||||||||||||||||
24/2015 | Applications for Examiners and Internal Moderators:
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23/2015 | Examination Guidelines for the 2015 Senior Certificate Examination (Memo) +
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22/2015 | 2015 Draft Timetables: Grade 11 November Examination and Grade 12 Trial Examination | |||||||||||||||||||||
21/2015 | Grade 12 Senior Certificate (SC) Examination Timetable (2015) and National Senior Certificate (NSC) October/November Examination Timetable (2015) | |||||||||||||||||||||
20/2015 | Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts: 2014 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Supplementary Examinations | |||||||||||||||||||||
Memo | Request for ANA statistics: LSEN learners | |||||||||||||||||||||
Memo | Verification Procedures for obtaining Print Statistics for Annual National Assessment (ANA) 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
19/2015 | Senior Certificate (SC): Application for Appointment as a Chief Marker or Marking Moderator: 2016 to 2016 | |||||||||||||||||||||
18/2015 | Curriculum Delivery Priorities for 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
17/2015 | Annual National Assessment (ANA) 2015 Improvement Plan
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16/2015 | Implementation of School Based Assessment (SBA) Grades 10 - 12 and Management Plan: 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
15/2015 | 2015 Registration of NSC Grade 12 learners | |||||||||||||||||||||
14/2015 | 2015 May June Amended Senior Certificate Examination: Application for Appointment as a Marker | |||||||||||||||||||||
13/2015 | Requirements for the keeping of a Journal as part of the Practical Examination Component for Drama Studies (Grades 10 - 12) | |||||||||||||||||||||
12/2015 | National Senior Certificate Examination Examination: Prescribed Folk Narratives and Folk Poetry Titles for study in Grade 12 for all African Home Languages in Public Schools from 2015 onwards | |||||||||||||||||||||
11/2015 | Advertisements of posts of temporary positions as Examination Assistants (EAs) for the..
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10/2015 | 2015 November/December AET L4: Application for appointment as a marker | |||||||||||||||||||||
9/2015 | 2015 National Senior Certificate (NSC): Application for appointment as a marker | |||||||||||||||||||||
8/2015 | 2015 AET L4: Examinations and Assessment Guidelines - Completion Dates for SBA Programmes
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7/2015 | Assessment and Examinations: Concession Applications 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
6/2015 | National Senior Certificate (NSC): Procedure for the Change of Subjects - Grades 10 - 12 in 2015 | |||||||||||||||||||||
5/2015 | 2015 Grade 12 National Senior Certificate Practical/Performance Assessment Tasks (PATS) | |||||||||||||||||||||
| Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download Download | Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af Laai af | ||||||||||||||||||||
4/2015 | 2014 National Senior Certificate: Chief Markers' Reports + History Paper 2 | |||||||||||||||||||||
3/2015 | 2015 National Senior Certificate Examinations (NSC): Supplementary Examination Entries and Supplementary Examination Final Time Table | |||||||||||||||||||||
2/2015 | Re-marking, Re-checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts: 2014 National Senior Certificate (NSC) and AET L4 Examinations | |||||||||||||||||||||
1/2015 | Provincial Assessment Instructions |
Graphics and Design: Grade 12: 2015: Afrikaans: Exam Paper: EGD P1 Nov 2015 Eng: Engineering Graphics and Design: Grade 12: 2015: English: Exam Paper: EGD P2 Feb/March 2015: Engineering. Learners doing EGD in South African Schools. PAT - ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND. Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily. Dec 16, 2015 engineering graphics and design: pat gr 12 2015 page 2 1. INTRODUCTION: A. The Structure of the Practical Assessment Task (PAT) for EGD The Engineering Graphics.
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