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Gauntlet 2 Game Genie Codes

суббота 25 апреля admin 49

The following are known GameShark Codes for Lunar 2: Eternal Blue on Sony Playstation (PS1).

You can do the same for Ornithopods too, including the Edmontosaurus, Maiasaura, Corythosaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Tsintaosaurus. The Diplodocus needs a lot of grassland, for instance, while the Brachiosaurus needs a more forested landscape. Distributing these different types of herbivore across separate enclosures means you will have fewer stats to concern you, so it’s a smart move all around.As for the bigger herbivores, it’s best to build the enclosure around one species to meet their specific needs. Just make sure they have a partner each to keep their social attribute up to an acceptable level. These smaller dinosaurs can survive without much social interaction, so that makes them perfect for cohabitating with bigger, more difficult the enclosure around one species to meet their specific needsLikewise, you should house the Ceratops together – such as the Styracosaurus, Triceratops, and the Torosaurus – as they have very similar traits. Jurassic world evolution ceratosaurus.

  1. Joker Command
    D008B1B8 ????
  2. Infinite Money
    8008A7BC FFFF
  3. Max Money
    8008A7BC 967F
    8008A7BE 0098
  4. Can Run Infinitely (Action, Press Circle)
    D001A6C0 0B88
    8001A6C2 2400
  5. Walk Thru Walls
    D008B1B8 0104
    80025C82 1000
    D008B1B8 0104
    80025DCA 1000
    D008B1B8 0101
    80025C82 1040
    D008B1B8 0101
    80025DCA 1040
    Note: Press L1 + Select to activate and L2 + Select to deactivate.
  6. No Random Battles
    D008B1B8 0102
    80007800 0000
    D008B1B8 0108
    80007800 4D43
    D0007800 4D43
    8008B288 000C
    Note: Press R1 + Select to activate and R2 + Select to deactivate.
  7. Lucia’s Pendant Travels Anywhere (Epilogue)
    80175B9C FFFF
    80175B9E FFFF
  8. Rememerizer Crystal Has All Events (Epilogue)
    80175BC0 FFFF
    80175BC2 FFFF
    80175BC4 FFFF
    80175BC6 FFFF
  9. High Speed Music
    800AA728 0000
  10. Have Dark Scimitar
    3019AF29 0001
    3019AF2A 00FF
  11. Equip Dark Scimitar (Part 1)
    C1000000 4000
    8019AF28 0101
    8019AF2A 2301
    8019AF40 0002
    8019AF42 0002
  12. Equip Dark Scimitar (Part 2)
    3019AF2E 01F4
    3019AF30 0010
    3019AF32 012C
    3019AF34 012C
    3019AF36 012C
    3019AF38 012C
    3019AF3A 012C
    3019AF3C 012C
    3019AF3E 012C
  13. Hiro Codes

  14. Level 99
    30084231 0063
  15. Exp Modifier
    80084234 ????
  16. Max Exp
    80084234 967F
    80084236 0098
  17. 1 Exp To Next Level
    80084238 0001
    8008423A 0000
  18. Infinite HP
    8008423C 03E7
  19. Max HP
    8008423E 03E7
  20. Infinite MP
    80084240 03E7
  21. Max MP
    80084242 03E7
  22. Max Attack
    80084244 03E7
  23. Max Attacks
    80084246 000F
  24. Max Defense
    80084248 03E7
  25. Max Agility
    8008424A 03E7
  26. Max Speed
    8008424C 03E7
  27. Max Wisdom
    8008424E 03E7
  28. Max MgcDef
    80084250 03E7
  29. Max Range
    80084252 03E7
  30. Max Luck
    80084254 03E7
  31. Gwyn Codes

  32. Level 99
    30084605 0063
  33. Exp Modifier
    80084608 ????
  34. Max Exp
    80084608 967F
    8008460A 0098
  35. 1 Exp To Next Level
    8008460C 0001
    8008460E 0000
  36. Infinite HP
    80084610 03E7
  37. Max HP
    80084612 03E7
  38. Infinite MP
    80084614 03E7
  39. Max MP
    80084616 03E7
  40. Max Attack
    80084618 03E7
  41. Max Attacks
    8008461A 000F
  42. Max Defense
    8008461C 03E7
  43. Max Agility
    8008461E 03E7
  44. Max Speed
    80084620 03E7
  45. Max Wisdom
    80084622 03E7
  46. Max MgcDef
    80084624 03E7
  47. Max Range
    80084626 03E7
  48. Max Luck
    80084628 03E7
  49. Ronfar Codes

  50. Level 99
    300842F5 0063
  51. Exp Modifier
    800842F8 ????
  52. Max Exp
    800842F8 967F
    800842FA 0098
  53. 1 Exp To Next Level
    800842FC 0001
    800842FE 0000
  54. Infinite HP
    80084300 03E7
  55. Max HP
    80084302 03E7
  56. Infinite MP
    80084304 03E7
  57. Max MP
    80084306 03E7
  58. Max Attack
    80084308 03E7
  59. Max Attacks
    8008430A 000F
  60. Max Defense
    8008430C 03E7
  61. Max Agility
    8008430E 03E7
  62. Max Speed
    80084310 03E7
  63. Max Wisdom
    80084312 03E7
  64. Max MgcDef
    80084314 03E7
  65. Max Range
    80084316 03E7
  66. Max Luck
    80084318 03E7
  67. Jean Codes

  68. Level 99
    300843B9 0063
  69. Exp Modifier
    800843BC ????
  70. Max Exp
    800843BC 967F
    800843BE 0098
  71. 1 Exp To Next Level
    800843C0 0001
    800843C2 0000
  72. Infinite HP
    800843C4 03E7
  73. Max HP
    800843C6 03E7
  74. Infinite MP
    800843C8 03E7
  75. Max MP
    800843CA 03E7
  76. Max Attack
    800843CC 03E7
  77. Max Attacks
    800843CE 000F
  78. Max Defense
    800843D0 03E7
  79. Max Agility
    800843D2 03E7
  80. Max Speed
    800843D4 03E7
  81. Max Wisdom
    800843D6 03E7
  82. Max MgcDef
    800843D8 03E7
  83. Max Range
    800843DA 03E7
  84. Max Luck
    800843DC 03E7
  85. Lemina Codes

  86. Level 99
    30084541 0063
  87. Exp Modifier
    80084544 ????
  88. Max Exp
    80084544 967F
    80084546 0098
  89. 1 Exp To Next Level
    80084548 0001
    8008454A 0000
  90. Infinite HP
    8008454C 03E7
  91. Max HP
    8008454E 03E7
  92. Infinite MP
    80084550 03E7
  93. Max MP
    80084552 03E7
  94. Max Attack
    80084554 03E7
  95. Max Attacks
    80084556 000F
  96. Max Defense
    80084558 03E7
  97. Max Agility
    8008455A 03E7
  98. Max Speed
    8008455C 03E7
  99. Max Wisdom
    8008455E 03E7
  100. Max MgcDef
    80084560 03E7
  101. Max Range
    80084562 03E7
  102. Max Luck
    80084564 03E7
  103. Leo Codes

  104. Level 99
    3008447D 0063
  105. Exp Modifier
    80084480 ????
  106. Max Exp
    80084480 967F
    80084482 0098
  107. 1 Exp To Next Level
    80084484 0001
    80084486 0000
  108. Infinite HP
    80084488 03E7
  109. Max HP
    8008448A 03E7
  110. Infinite MP
    8008448C 03E7
  111. Max MP
    8008448E 03E7
  112. Max Attack
    80084490 03E7
  113. Max Attacks
    80084492 000F
  114. Max Defense
    80084494 03E7
  115. Max Agility
    80084496 03E7
  116. Max Speed
    80084498 03E7
  117. Max Wisdom
    8008449A 03E7
  118. Max MgcDef
    8008449C 03E7
  119. Max Range
    8008449E 03E7
  120. Max Luck
    800844A0 03E7
  121. Lucia Codes

  122. Level 99
    300846C9 0063
  123. Exp Modifier
    800846CC ????
  124. Max Exp
    800846CC 967F
    800846CE 0098
  125. 1 Exp To Next Level
    800846D0 0001
    800846D2 0000
  126. Infinite HP
    800846D4 03E7
  127. Max HP
    800846D6 03E7
  128. Infinite MP
    800846D8 03E7
  129. Max MP
    800846DA 03E7
  130. Max Attack
    800846DC 03E7
  131. Max Attacks
    800846DE 000F
  132. Max Defense
    800846E0 03E7
  133. Max Agility
    800846E2 03E7
  134. Max Speed
    800846E4 03E7
  135. Max Wisdom
    800846E6 03E7
  136. Max MgcDef
    800846E8 03E7
  137. Max Range
    800846EA 03E7
  138. Max Luck
    800846EC 03E7
  139. Spell Modifier Codes

  140. Slot 1
    80084258 ????
    8008425A 8008
  141. Slot 2
    8008425C ????
    8008425E 8008
  142. Slot 3
    80084260 ????
    80084262 8008
  143. Slot 4
    80084264 ????
    80084266 8008
  144. Slot 5
    80084268 ????
    8008426A 8008
  145. Slot 6
    8008426C ????
    8008426E 8008
  146. Slot 7
    80084270 ????
    80084272 8008
  147. Slot 8
    80084274 ????
    80084276 8008
  148. Slot 9
    80084278 ????
    8008427A 8008
  149. Slot 10
    8008427C ????
    8008427E 8008
  150. Slot 11
    80084280 ????
    80084282 8008
  151. Slot 12
    80084284 ????
    80084286 8008
  152. Slot 13
    80084288 ????
    8008428A 8008
  153. Slot 14
    8008428C ????
    8008428E 8008
  154. Slot 15
    80084290 ????
    80084292 8008
  155. Slot 16
    80084294 ????
    80084296 8008
  156. Slot 17
    80084298 ????
    8008429A 8008
  157. Slot 18
    8008429C ????
    8008429E 8008
  158. Slot 19
    800842A0 ????
    800842A2 8008
  159. Slot 20
    800842A4 ????
    800842A6 8008
  160. Slot 1
    8008462C ????
    8008462E 8008
  161. Slot 2
    80084630 ????
    80084632 8008
  162. Slot 3
    80084634 ????
    80084636 8008
  163. Slot 4
    80084638 ????
    8008463A 8008
  164. Slot 5
    8008463C ????
    8008463E 8008
  165. Slot 6
    80084640 ????
    80084642 8008
  166. Slot 7
    80084644 ????
    80084646 8008
  167. Slot 8
    80084648 ????
    8008464A 8008
  168. Slot 9
    8008464C ????
    8008464E 8008
  169. Slot 10
    80084650 ????
    80084652 8008
  170. Slot 11
    80084654 ????
    80084656 8008
  171. Slot 12
    80084658 ????
    8008465A 8008
  172. Slot 13
    8008465C ????
    8008465E 8008
  173. Slot 14
    80084660 ????
    80084662 8008
  174. Slot 15
    80084664 ????
    80084666 8008
  175. Slot 16
    80084668 ????
    8008466A 8008
  176. Slot 17
    8008466C ????
    8008466E 8008
  177. Slot 18
    80084670 ????
    80084672 8008
  178. Slot 19
    80084674 ????
    80084676 8008
  179. Slot 20
    80084678 ????
    8008467A 8008
  180. Slot 1
    8008431C ????
    8008431E 8008
  181. Slot 2
    80084320 ????
    80084322 8008
  182. Slot 3
    80084324 ????
    80084326 8008
  183. Slot 4
    80084328 ????
    8008432A 8008
  184. Slot 5
    8008432C ????
    8008432E 8008
  185. Slot 6
    80084330 ????
    80084332 8008
  186. Slot 7
    80084334 ????
    80084336 8008
  187. Slot 8
    80084338 ????
    8008433A 8008
  188. Slot 9
    8008433C ????
    8008433E 8008
  189. Slot 10
    80084340 ????
    80084342 8008
  190. Slot 11
    80084344 ????
    80084346 8008
  191. Slot 12
    80084348 ????
    8008434A 8008
  192. Slot 13
    8008434C ????
    8008434E 8008
  193. Slot 14
    80084350 ????
    80084352 8008
  194. Slot 15
    80084354 ????
    80084356 8008
  195. Slot 16
    80084358 ????
    8008435A 8008
  196. Slot 17
    8008435C ????
    8008435E 8008
  197. Slot 18
    80084360 ????
    80084362 8008
  198. Slot 19
    80084364 ????
    80084366 8008
  199. Slot 20
    80084368 ????
    8008436A 8008
  200. Slot 1
    800843E0 ????
    800843E2 8008
  201. Slot 2
    800843E4 ????
    800843E6 8008
  202. Slot 3
    800843E8 ????
    800843EA 8008
  203. Slot 4
    800843EC ????
    800843EE 8008
  204. Slot 5
    800843F0 ????
    800843F2 8008
  205. Slot 6
    800843F4 ????
    800843F6 8008
  206. Slot 7
    800843F8 ????
    800843FA 8008
  207. Slot 8
    800843FC ????
    800843FE 8008
  208. Slot 9
    80084400 ????
    80084402 8008
  209. Slot 10
    80084404 ????
    80084406 8008
  210. Slot 11
    80084408 ????
    8008440A 8008
  211. Slot 12
    8008440C ????
    8008440E 8008
  212. Slot 13
    80084410 ????
    80084412 8008
  213. Slot 14
    80084414 ????
    80084416 8008
  214. Slot 15
    80084418 ????
    8008441A 8008
  215. Slot 16
    8008441C ????
    8008441E 8008
  216. Slot 17
    80084420 ????
    80084422 8008
  217. Slot 18
    80084424 ????
    80084426 8008
  218. Slot 19
    80084428 ????
    8008442A 8008
  219. Slot 20
    8008442C ????
    8008442E 8008
  220. Slot 1
    80084568 ????
    8008456A 8008
  221. Slot 2
    8008456C ????
    8008456E 8008
  222. Slot 3
    80084570 ????
    80084572 8008
  223. Slot 4
    80084574 ????
    80084576 8008
  224. Slot 5
    80084578 ????
    8008457A 8008
  225. Slot 6
    8008457C ????
    8008457E 8008
  226. Slot 7
    80084580 ????
    80084582 8008
  227. Slot 8
    80084584 ????
    80084586 8008
  228. Slot 9
    80084588 ????
    8008458A 8008
  229. Slot 10
    8008458C ????
    8008458E 8008
  230. Slot 11
    80084590 ????
    80084592 8008
  231. Slot 12
    80084594 ????
    80084596 8008
  232. Slot 13
    80084598 ????
    8008459A 8008
  233. Slot 14
    8008459C ????
    8008459E 8008
  234. Slot 15
    800845A0 ????
    800845A2 8008
  235. Slot 16
    800845A4 ????
    800845A6 8008
  236. Slot 17
    800845A8 ????
    800845AA 8008
  237. Slot 18
    800845AC ????
    800845AE 8008
  238. Slot 19
    800845B0 ????
    800845B2 8008
  239. Slot 20
    800845B4 ????
    800845B6 8008
  240. Slot 1
    800844A4 ????
    800844A6 8008
  241. Slot 2
    800844A8 ????
    800844AA 8008
  242. Slot 3
    800844AC ????
    800844AE 8008
  243. Slot 4
    800844B0 ????
    800844B2 8008
  244. Slot 5
    800844B4 ????
    800844B6 8008
  245. Slot 6
    800844B8 ????
    800844BA 8008
  246. Slot 7
    800844BC ????
    800844BE 8008
  247. Slot 8
    800844C0 ????
    800844C2 8008
  248. Slot 9
    800844C4 ????
    800844C6 8008
  249. Slot 10
    800844C8 ????
    800844CA 8008
  250. Slot 11
    800844CC ????
    800844CE 8008
  251. Slot 12
    800844D0 ????
    800844D2 8008
  252. Slot 13
    800844D4 ????
    800844D6 8008
  253. Slot 14
    800844D8 ????
    800844DA 8008
  254. Slot 15
    800844DC ????
    800844DE 8008
  255. Slot 16
    800844E0 ????
    800844E2 8008
  256. Slot 17
    800844E4 ????
    800844E6 8008
  257. Slot 18
    800844E8 ????
    800844EA 8008
  258. Slot 19
    800844EC ????
    800844EE 8008
  259. Slot 20
    800844F0 ????
    800844F2 8008
  260. Slot 1
    800846F0 ????
    800846F2 8008
  261. Slot 2
    800846F4 ????
    800846F6 8008
  262. Slot 3
    800846F8 ????
    800846FA 8008
  263. Slot 4
    800846FC ????
    800846FE 8008
  264. Slot 5
    80084700 ????
    80084702 8008
  265. Slot 6
    80084704 ????
    80084706 8008
  266. Slot 7
    80084708 ????
    8008470A 8008
  267. Slot 8
    8008470C ????
    8008470E 8008
  268. Slot 9
    80084710 ????
    80084712 8008
  269. Slot 10
    80084714 ????
    80084716 8008
  270. Slot 11
    80084718 ????
    8008471A 8008
  271. Slot 12
    8008471C ????
    8008471E 8008
  272. Slot 13
    80084720 ????
    80084722 8008
  273. Slot 14
    80084724 ????
    80084726 8008
  274. Slot 15
    80084728 ????
    8008472A 8008
  275. Slot 16
    8008472C ????
    8008472E 8008
  276. Slot 17
    80084730 ????
    80084732 8008
  277. Slot 18
    80084734 ????
    80084736 8008
  278. Slot 19
    80084738 ????
    8008473A 8008
  279. Slot 20
    8008473C ????
    8008473E 8008
  280. Spell Modifiers

    • 330C: Nothing
    • 3322: Escape Litany
    • 3338: Heal Litany
    • 334E: Healing Litany
    • 3364: Calm Litany

    • 337A: Relief Prayer
    • 342A: Destiny Dice
    • 3440: Anger Dice
    • 3456: Loaded Dice
    • 346C: Recovery Wager
    • 3482: Atomic Burn
    • 3498: Lightning Bomb
    • 34AE: Thunder Blow
    • 34C4: Plasma Rain 2
    • 34DA: Revive Litany
    • 34F0: Miracle Litany
    • 3506: Saint Litany
    • 351C: Divine Prayer
    • 3532: Clean Litany
    • 3548: Cleansing Litany
    • 355E: Dispel Litany
    • 3574: Erase Magic
    • 358A: Light Hand
    • 35A0: Shining Litany
    • 35B6: Magic Swiper
    • 35CC: Napalm Shot
    • 35E2: Castrophe
    • 35F8: Dopple Dance
    • 360E: Slam Dance
    • 3624: Power Flame
    • 363A: Power Drive
    • 3650: Ice Shell
    • 3666: Cyro Shell
    • 367C: Shattered Sword
    • 3692: Fractured Armor
    • 36A8: Earth Prayer
    • 36BE: Wind Agility
    • 36D4: Rock Riot
    • 36EA: Stone Crush
    • 3700: Rock Crash
    • 3716: Booming Boulders
    • 372D: Crack Zone
    • 3742: Earth Fangs
    • 3758: Thunder Bolt
    • 376E: Thunder Bomb
    • 3784: Thunder Thrust
    • 379A: Ice Pick
    • 37B0: Ice Arrows
    • 37C6: Ice Lance
    • 37DC: Ice Wall
    • 37F2: Freeze Claw
    • 3808: Freeze Smash
    • 381E: Flame
    • 3834: Flame Shot
    • 384A: Flame Bomb
    • 3860: Pyro Pillar
    • 3876: Burning Flame
    • 388C: Crematorium
    • 38A2: Boomerang
    • 38B8: Cross Boomerang
    • 38CE: Squall
    • 38E4: Tempest
    • 38FA: Vortex
    • 3910: Super Cyclone
    • 3926: Magic Seal
    • 393C: Mega Seal
    • 3952: Moth Dance
    • 3968: Butterfly Dance
    • 397E: Sleep Step
    • 3994: Dream Dance
    • 39AA: Bee Dance
    • 39C0: Swarm Dance
    • 39D6: Enchanted Kiss
    • 39EC: Soul Kiss
    • 3A02: Poe Sword
    • 3A18: Sybillium Sword
    • 3A2E: Batallion Sword
    • 3A44: Concussion Sword
    • 3A5A: Triple Sword
    • 3A70: Flash Blade
    • 3A86: Buzz Blade
    • 3A9C: Soul Blade
    • 3AB2: Grizzle Blade
    • 3AC8: Blue Dragon Palm
    • 3ADE: Blue Dragon Kick
    • 3AF4: Blue Dragon Wave
    • 3B0A: Blue Dragon Fist
    • 3B20: Magic Shield
    • 3B36: Earth Wall
    • 3B4C: Thunder Wall
    • 3B62: Freezing Wall
    • 3B78: Flaming Wall
    • 3B8E: Wind Wall
    • 3BA4: Call Earth
    • 3BBA: Call Thunder
    • 3BD0: Call Water
    • 3BE6: Call Flame
    • 3BFC: Call Wind
    • 3C12: White Dragon Protect
    • 3C28: Red Dragon Anger
    • 3C3E: Blue Dragon Healing
    • 3C54: Black Dragon Grief
    • 3C6A: Plasma Rain
    • 3C80: Solar Bomb

    Infinite Item Codes

  281. Infinite Herb
    3019A2A4 0063
  282. Infinite Healing Nut
    3019A2C8 0063
  283. Infinite Passion Fruit
    3019A2EC 0063
  284. Infinite Jewel of Life
    3019A334 0063
  285. Infinite Star Light
    3019A37C 0063
  286. Infinite Silver Light
    3019A3C4 0063
  287. Infinite Dragonfly Wing
    3019A40C 0063
  288. Infinite White Dragon Wings
    3019A430 0063
  289. Infinite Lucia’s Pendant
    3019A454 0063
  290. Infinite Litany Ocarina
    3019A478 0063
  291. Infinite Crystal Rememberizer
    3019A49C 0063
  292. Infinite Luna’s Bromide
    3019A4C0 0063
  293. Infinite Mia’s Bromide
    3019A4E4 0063
  294. Infinite Jessica’s Bromide
    3019A508 0063
  295. Infinite Lucia’s Bromide 1
    3019A52C 0063
  296. Infinite Lucia’s Bromide 2
    3019A550 0063
  297. Infinite Lucia’s Bromide 3
    3019A574 0063
  298. Infinite Jean’s Bromide 1
    3019A598 0063
  299. Infinite Jean’s Bromide 2
    3019A5BC 0063
  300. Infinite Jean’s Bromide 3
    3019A5E0 0063
  301. Infinite Lemina’s Bromide 1
    3019A604 0063
  302. Infinite Lemina’s Bromide 2
    3019A628 0063
  303. Infinite Lemina’s Bromide 3
    3019A64C 0063
  304. Infinite Mauri’s Bromide 1
    3019A670 0063
  305. Infinite Nall’s Bromide
    3019A694 0063
  306. Infinite Mystere’s Bromide
    3019A6B8 0063
  307. Infinite Borgan’s Bromide
    3019A6DC 0063
  308. Infinite Lucia’s Bromide 4
    3019A700 0063
  309. Infinite Lemina’s Bromide 4
    3019A724 0063
  310. Infinite Jean’s Bromide 4
    3019A748 0063
  311. Infinite Hiro’s Bromide
    3019A76C 0063
  312. Infinite Mauri’s Bromide 2
    3019A790 0063
  313. Infinite Ghaleon’s Bromide
    3019A7B4 0063
  314. Infinite Purity Herb
    3019A844 0063
  315. Infinite Spring Water
    3019A868 0063
  316. Infinite Holy Water
    3019A88C 0063
  317. Infinite Vitality Vial
    3019A8B0 0063
  318. Infinite Angel’s Tear
    3019A8D4 0063
  319. Infinite No name
    3019A988 0063
  320. Infinite Right Dragon Jewel
    3019A9AC 0063
  321. Infinite Left Dragon Jewel
    3019A9D0 0063
  322. Infinite Right Dragon Jewel
    3019A9F4 0063
  323. Infinite Left Dragon Jewel
    3019AA18 0063
  324. Infinite White Dragon Aura
    3019AA3C 0063
  325. Infinite Blue Dragon Aura
    3019AA60 0063
  326. Infinite Black Dragon Aura
    3019AA84 0063
  327. Infinite Red Dragon Aura
    3019AAA8 0063
  328. Infinite Rope Ladder
    3019AACC 0063
  329. Infinite Snow Crest
    3019AAF0 0063
  330. Infinite Mask
    3019AB14 0063
  331. Infinite Entry Pass
    3019AB38 0063
  332. Infinite Cave Key
    3019AB5C 0063
  333. Infinite Tears of Althena
    3019AB80 0063
  334. Infinite Undersea Key
    3019ABA4 0063
  335. Infinite Dagger
    3019AC7C 0063
  336. Infinite Ancient Dagger
    3019ACA0 0063
  337. Infinite Star Dagger
    3019ACC4 0063
  338. Infinite Rusty Dagger
    3019ACE8 0063
  339. Infinite Short Sword
    3019AD30 0063
  340. Infinite Long Sword
    3019AD54 0063
  341. Infinite Broadsword
    3019AD78 0063
  342. Infinite Silver Sword
    3019AD9C 0063
  343. Infinite Bastard Sword
    3019ADC0 0063
  344. Infinite Crush Saber
    3019ADE4 0063
  345. Infinite Rune Sword
    3019AE08 0063
  346. Infinite Platinum Blade
    3019AE2C 0063
  347. Infinite Samurai Blade
    3019AE50 0063
  348. Infinite Onyx Sword
    3019AE74 0063
  349. Infinite Master’s Sword
    3019AE98 0063
  350. Infinite Gall Sword
    3019AEE0 0063
  351. Infinite Althena’s Sword
    3019AF04 0063
  352. Infinite Dyne’s Sword
    3019AF4C 0063
  353. Infinite White Fang
    3019AF70 0063
  354. Infinite Unsigned Sword
    3019AF94 0063
  355. Infinite Mace
    3019AFDC 0063
  356. Infinite Flail
    3019B000 0063
  357. Infinite Silver Mace
    3019B024 0063
  358. Infinite Amber Mace
    3019B048 0063
  359. Infinite Soul Mace
    3019B06C 0063
  360. Infinite Ritual Mace
    3019B090 0063
  361. Infinite Sinistron
    3019B0B4 0063
  362. Infinite Onyx Mace
    3019B0D8 0063
  363. Infinite Prayer Mace
    3019B0FC 0063
  364. Infinite Holy Mace
    3019B120 0063
  365. Infinite Justice Rod
    3019B144 0063
  366. Infinite Feather Fan
    3019B18C 0063
  367. Infinite Iron Fan
    3019B1B0 0063
  368. Infinite Silver Fan
    3019B1D4 0063
  369. Infinite Platinum Fan
    3019B1F8 0063
  370. Infinite Jean’s Fan
    3019B21C 0063
  371. Infinite Iron Claw
    3019B264 0063
  372. Infinite Black Claw
    3019B288 0063
  373. Infinite White: Tiger Claw
    3019B2AC 0063
  374. Infinite Mars’ Iron Fist
    3019B2D0 0063
  375. Infinite Fierce Claw
    3019B2F4 0063
  376. Infinite Anger Fist
    3019B318 0063
  377. Infinite Dark Cane
    3019B360 0063
  378. Infinite Quake Cane
    3019B384 0063
  379. Infinite Thunder Cane
    3019B3A8 0063
  380. Infinite Water Cane
    3019B3CC 0063
  381. Infinite Fireball Cane
    3019B3F0 0063
  382. Infinite Wind Cane
    3019B414 0063
  383. Infinite Earth Cane
    3019B438 0063
  384. Infinite Lightning Cane
    3019B45C 0063
  385. Infinite Ice Cane
    3019B480 0063
  386. Infinite Hellfire Cane
    3019B4A4 0063
  387. Infinite Storm Cane
    3019B4C8 0063
  388. Infinite Shaman’s Cane
    3019B4EC 0063
  389. Infinite Thieve’s Cane
    3019B510 0063
  390. Infinite Saucepan Lid
    3019B534 0063
  391. Infinite Wood Shield
    3019B558 0063
  392. Infinite Iron Shield
    3019B57C 0063
  393. Infinite Silver Shield
    3019B5A0 0063
  394. Infinite Steel Shield
    3019B5C4 0063
  395. Infinite Platinum Shield
    3019B5E8 0063
  396. Infinite Soldier’s Shield
    3019B60C 0063
  397. Infinite Onyx Shield
    3019B630 0063
  398. Infinite Swordsmith’s Shield
    3019B654 0063
  399. Infinite Holy Saucepan
    3019B678 0063
  400. Infinite Dragon Shield
    3019B69C 0063
  401. Infinite Light Shield
    3019B6E4 0063
  402. Infinite Bracelet
    3019B72C 0063
  403. Infinite Iron Bracelet
    3019B750 0063
  404. Infinite Silver Bracelet
    3019B774 0063
  405. Infinite Steel Bracelet
    3019B798 0063
  406. Infinite Platinum Bracelet
    3019B7BC 0063
  407. Infinite Gem Bracelet
    3019B7E0 0063
  408. Infinite Onyx Bracelet
    3019B804 0063
  409. Infinite Holy Bracelet
    3019B828 0063
  410. Infinite Goddess Bracelet
    3019B84C 0063
  411. Infinite Wrist Gauntlet
    3019B894 0063
  412. Infinite Silver Gauntlet
    3019B8B8 0063
  413. Infinite Platinum Gauntlet
    3019B8DC 0063
  414. Infinite Litany Gauntlet
    3019B900 0063
  415. Infinite Jewel Gauntlet
    3019B924 0063
  416. Infinite Mystra Gauntlet
    3019B948 0063
  417. Infinite Psycho Gauntlet
    3019B96C 0063
  418. Infinite Seal Gauntlet
    3019B990 0063
  419. Infinite Taka’s Crest
    3019B9D8 0063
  420. Infinite Leopard Crest
    3019B9FC 0063
  421. Infinite Tiger Crest
    3019BA20 0063
  422. Infinite Lunn’s Crest
    3019BA44 0063
  423. Infinite Peasant Clothes
    3019BA8C 0063
  424. Infinite Adventurer’s Clothes
    3019BAB0 0063
  425. Infinite Water Pajamas
    3019BAD4 0063
  426. Infinite Flame Pajamas
    3019BAF8 0063
  427. Infinite Timon’s Pajamas
    3019BB1C 0063
  428. Infinite Plate Armor
    3019BB40 0063
  429. Infinite Lucia’s Clothes
    3019BB88 0063
  430. Infinite Lucia’s Clothes
    3019BBAC 0063
  431. Infinite Leather Armor
    3019BBF4 0314
  432. Infinite Chain Mail
    3019BC18 0314
  433. Infinite Iron Armor
    3019BC60 0063
  434. Infinite Silver Armor
    3019BC84 0063
  435. Infinite Platinum Armor
    3019BCA8 0063
  436. Infinite Soldier’s Armor
    3019BCCC 0063
  437. Infinite Onyx Armor
    3019BCF0 0063
  438. Infinite Dyne’s Armor
    3019BD14 0063
  439. Infinite Dragon Armor
    3019BD5C 0063
  440. Infinite Goddess Armor
    3019BDA4 0063
  441. Infinite Priest’s Clothes
    3019BDEC 0063
  442. Infinite Purity Clothes
    3019BE10 0063
  443. Infinite Ritual Clothes
    3019BE34 0063
  444. Infinite Holy Clothes
    3019BE58 0063
  445. Infinite Battle Clothes
    3019BE7C 0063
  446. Infinite Miracle Clothes
    3019BEA0 0063
  447. Infinite Saint’s Clothes
    3019BEC4 0063
  448. Infinite Chaos Armor
    3019BEE8 0063
  449. Infinite Pretty Dress
    3019BF30 0063
  450. Infinite Flared Dress
    3019BF54 0063
  451. Infinite Fur Dress
    3019BF78 0063
  452. Infinite Silk Dress
    3019BF9C 0063
  453. Infinite Jean’s Dress
    3019BFC0 0063
  454. Infinite Taka’s Suit
    3019C008 0063
  455. Infinite Ninja Suit
    3019C02C 0063
  456. Infinite Tiger Wrap
    3019C050 0063
  457. Infinite Dyne’s Clothes
    3019C074 0063
  458. Infinite Robe
    3019C0BC 0063
  459. Infinite Silver Robe
    3019C0E0 0063
  460. Infinite Fur Robe
    3019C104 0063
  461. Infinite Litanyian’s Robe
    3019C128 0063
  462. Infinite Immortal Robe
    3019C14C 0063
  463. Infinite Litany Robe
    3019C170 0063
  464. Infinite Aura Robe
    3019B194 0063
  465. Infinite Shaman’s Robe
    3019C1B8 0063
  466. Infinite Safety First
    3019C1DC 0063
  467. Infinite Leather Cap
    3019C200 0063
  468. Infinite Iron Helm
    3019C224 0063
  469. Infinite Silver Helm
    3019C248 0063
  470. Infinite Steel Helm
    3019C26C 0063
  471. Infinite Platinum Helm
    3019C290 0063
  472. Infinite Soldier’s Helm
    3019C2B4 0063
  473. Infinite Onyx Helm
    3019C2D8 0063
  474. Infinite Swordsmith’s Helm
    3019C2FC 0063
  475. Infinite Lucia’s Hat
    3019C344 0063
  476. Infinite Dragon Helm
    3019C38C 0063
  477. Infinite Lion’s Helmet
    3019C3D4 0063
  478. Infinite Bandanna
    3019C41C 0063
  479. Infinite Colorful Bandanna
    3019C440 0063
  480. Infinite Silver Bandanna
    3019C464 0063
  481. Infinite Lucky Bandanna
    3019C488 0063
  482. Infinite Soul Bandana
    3019C4AC 0063
  483. Infinite Charm Bandanna
    3019C4F4 0063
  484. Infinite Prayer Bandanna
    3019C518 0063
  485. Infinite Spirit Eye Bandanna
    3019C53C 0063
  486. Infinite Aura Bandanna
    3019C560 0063
  487. Infinite Miracle Bandanna
    3019C584 0063
  488. Infinite Pink Ribbon
    3019C5A8 0063
  489. Infinite Hairband
    3019C5CC 0063
  490. Infinite Silver Clip
    3019C5F0 0063
  491. Infinite Platinum Clip
    3019C614 0063
  492. Infinite Jeweled Clip
    3019C638 0063
  493. Infinite Spirit Clip
    3019C65C 0063
  494. Infinite Money Clip
    3019C680 0063
  495. Infinite Onyx Clip
    3019C6A4 0063
  496. Infinite Holy Bell Clip
    3019C6C8 0063
  497. Infinite Goddess Clip
    3019C710 0063
  498. Infinite Fantasy Ribbon
    3019C758 0063
  499. Infinite Headband
    3019C77C 0063
  500. Infinite Angel Ring
    3019C89C 0063
  501. Infinite Heal Ring
    3019C8C0 0063
  502. Infinite Stardust Ring
    3019C8E4 0063
  503. Infinite Eagle Ring
    3019C908 0063
  504. Infinite Shield Ring
    3019C92C 0063
  505. Infinite Force Ring
    3019C950 0063
  506. Infinite Defense Ring
    3019C974 0063
  507. Infinite Spiritproof Ring
    3019C998 0063
  508. Infinite Luck Ring
    3019C9BC 0063
  509. Infinite Barrier Ring
    3019C9E0 0063
  510. Infinite Protection Ring
    3019CA04 0063
  511. Infinite Anti: spirit Ring
    3019CA28 0063
  512. Infinite Grounding Ring
    3019CA4C 0063
  513. Infinite Plasma Ring
    3019CA70 0063
  514. Infinite Love Pendant
    3019CA94 0063
  515. Infinite Phoenix Ring
    3019CAB8 0063
  516. Infinite Wind Ring
    3019CADC 0063
  517. Infinite Spirit Amulet
    3019CB00 0063
  518. Infinite Refresh Ring
    3019CB24 0063
  519. Infinite Register Ring
    3019CB48 0063
  520. Infinite Wake Ring
    3019CB6C 0063
  521. Infinite Amulet
    3019CB90 0063
  522. Infinite Talisman
    3019CBB4 0063
  523. Infinite Fresh Ring
    3019CBD8 0063
  524. Infinite Clear Ring
    3019CBFC 0063
  525. Infinite Tri: Ring
    3019CC20 0063
  526. Infinite Demon Ring
    3019CC44 0063
  527. Infinite Gauss’s Necklace
    3019CC68 0063
  528. Infinite Lemina’s Pendant
    3019CC8C 0063
  529. Infinite Mystere’s Mask
    3019CCB0 0063
  530. Infinite Medallion
    3019CCD4 0063
  531. Infinite Gon: Chan Doll
    3019CCF8 0063
  532. Infinite Iron Clogs
    3019CD1C 0063
  533. Infinite Rain Charm
    3019CD40 0063
  534. Infinite Hero’s Charm
    3019CD64 0063
  535. Infinite Earth Crest
    3019CE3C 0063
  536. Infinite Thunder Crest
    3019CE60 0063
  537. Infinite Water Crest
    3019CE84 0063
  538. Infinite Fire Crest
    3019CEA8 0063
  539. Infinite Wind Crest
    3019CECC 0063
  540. Infinite Seal Crest
    3019CEF0 0063
  541. Infinite Charm Crest
    3019CF14 0063
  542. Infinite Chain Crest
    3019CF38 0063
  543. Infinite Snake Crest
    3019CF5C 0063
  544. Infinite Dream Crest
    3019CF80 0063
  545. Infinite Litany Eye Crest
    3019CFA4 0063
  546. Infinite Revenge Crest
    3019CFC8 0063
  547. Infinite Healing Crest
    3019CFEC 0063
  548. Infinite Soldier’s Crest
    3019D010 0063
  549. Infinite Chiro’s Crest
    3019D034 0063
  550. Infinite Hunter’s Crest
    3019D058 0063
  551. Infinite Shiro’s Crest
    3019D07C 0063
  552. Infinite Gale Crest
    3019D0A0 0063
  553. Infinite Bernie’s Crest
    3019D0C4 0063
  554. Infinite Ogre’s Crest
    3019D0E8 0063
  555. Infinite Power Crest
    3019D10C 0063
  556. Infinite Goddess Crest
    3019D130 0063
  557. Infinite White Dragon Crest
    3019D154 0063
  558. Infinite Red Dragon Crest
    3019D178 0063
  559. Infinite Blue Dragon Crest
    3019D19C 0063
  560. Infinite Black Dragon Crest
    3019D1C0 0063

Final Fantasy 2 Game Genie Codes. Video Game Source- Super Nintendo- Final Fantasy 2- Game Genie Codes. Date Posted: 7/5/00 Date: 8/10/98 These codes are for the JAPANESE version of FF4, 'hard type'. I used the ROM address conversion technique to compare the Japanese and American games and adjusted some of the codes to the new memory addresses.

Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.

Code Indexes for Sony Playstation

The following are known Game Genie Codes for 1942 on Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

    Both Players start with 9 Rolls
    The majority of enemies will die instantly.
    You are invulnerable to most attacks.
  4. Player 1 Codes

    Player 1 starts with 6 Lives (1-Player Game)
    Player 1 starts with 9 Lives (1-Player Game)
    Player 1 starts with 6 Lives after using a Continue. (2-Player Game)
    Player 1 starts with 9 Lives after using a Continue. (2-Player Game)
    Player 1 has infinite Lives
    Player 1 has infinite Rolls
  11. Player 2 Codes

    Player 2 starts with 6 Lives (2-Player Game)
    Player 2 starts with 9 Lives (2-Player Game)

Do you know any additional codes for this game? Is there an error listed above? Let us know about it and we’ll update the list.