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Program Pembayaran Spp Sekolah

среда 29 апреля admin 48


Jun 10, 2016  Tutorial Form SPP Payment in Visual Studio 2010. Designing a Modern Flat Desktop Application of a Fast Food Restaurant in Visual Basic VB NET. SOFTWARE APLIKASI PEMBAYARAN SEKOLAH SPP. James Morgan Blog.

Program Pembayaran Spp Sekolah


The quality of an education starts from the process of learning activities to the process of processing school management data. SMP Darun Nurjati is one of the educational institutions that always try to improve the quality of education service from time to time. Currently the administrative recording process in SMP Darun Nurjati still using manual system in processing student transaction data. Problems arise when the data is not appropriate and do several times the process of data recording. The purpose of this study is to build an information system about the administration of junior high school students Darun Nurjati Kota Bekasi by using Visual Basic.Net that can handle a problem regarding the payment of administrative data spp and student education. System development in research using Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) with waterfall model and accompanied by SWOT analysis and TELOSP feasibility analysis. The built system is tested by black box testing. The results of black box testing of the application of the given input and the resulting output are valid. Keywords: administration, information system, payment, visual basic