Rainbow six siege ban policy. That's when the griefing takes place 99% of the time and people are the most likely to accidentally shoot each other. Turning off friendly fire would change the game. Just throw a grenade into a room to make defender back off and while they still repositioning to take cover, an attacker ran in right behind grenade guns blazing. Attackers running through the same doors/choke points etc and defenders vulnerable as they put up reinforcements/barracdes.After those first 30 seconds everyone is way more spread out and accidental TKs would rarely be an issue as long as they aren't back to back.
May 12, 2011 Win 7 no boot to windows or safe mode Startup cannot repair or System Restore PC was showing black screen 2 options Start windows normally or Launch Start up repair 1 beepthen launches startup repair.checkingsystem, then cannot repair and send info about this problem.Also Drive has canged from c to d. Before I go further, I have tried to go into Safe mode, Normal Mode, Administrator startup, Start with Command Prompt and I get nothing. In the SRO I have done the startup repair again, nothing fixes. I have done System Restore, but none of my backups can repair the problem. I have done the memory diag.