Mar 12, 2020 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.
OS Date added File size File name Down loads Download link; Windows XP: 02 Feb 2015: 5.31 MB: sp28601ec.exe: 295: Download: Windows XP: 09 Feb 2014: 6.57 MB. Installing from the Service Pack 1 CD Stand Alone. IMPORTANT: Compaq recommends that the user read through the READMESP.HTM file. Included on the SP1 CD before installing SP1 on their system. This method presents the user with a Web page from the CD by means of the autorun. Compaq evo n600c specs. Discuss: Compaq Evo Notebook N600c - 14.1' - PIII-M - Win XP Pro - 256 MB RAM - 30 GB HDD Series Sign in to comment Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. OS Date added File size File name Down loads Download link; Windows XP: 28 Mar 2014: 0.41 MB: sp27390ff.exe: 524: Download: Windows 98 / XP: 23 Nov 2014: 1.9 MB.
Windows ce 6 0 wm8650. Does any one know of a 'WAMP' type of setup for running PHP and an SQL of some sort on the mini 7' WM8650 WonderMedia netbook?I know, this is an odd question, but what it comes down to, is that I have a couple of these, and need some technicians in the field, have access to a web based form.